HK Ocean Park
When I uploaded the pictures into my computer later on, I find out there are quite a number of photo albums under the file name - Ocean Park (OP). Let me count, 1,2,3...oh ok, there are 7 of them now.
So, I think it would be nice to compile all those pictures (taken at the different point of time), and publish it to friends. If the president of OP ever happen to see this blog, I hope he will grant us a lifetime unlimited entry to the park. That's all I ask for, president, no other greedy wishful thinking...hehe
9-April-2006 (Album 7)

The main entrance, with lots of China mainlanders these day.
Bumped into Professor Turtle, one of the lucky animals in OP
It's supposed a bird show. But due to avian flu epedemic, all of the birds are off duty. Funny, what kind of bird show is that without birds?
KS and vincent - with cable cars as backdrop
Me and the kids. As usual, they look here and there except the camera
Kid's world : frog-hopper. Finally, William is tall enough to playing this. How time does fly...
Kid's world : they make believe play of fire-fighting
Seal star on the stage...Vincent was so disappointed that he wasn't picked to go up the stage to 'perform' witht the seal. Son, we will try again next time, alright?
5-Mar-2006 (Album 6)
It's quite cold that day, but the weather was fine. Having nothing much to do, we went to OP again. Oh yes, we wanted to renew our annual pass, get it upgraded to gold pass as well. That's one of the reason we went OP again, hehe....
Cable car ride - always been our favourite in the park
The magnificient view we see from the cable car
The entrance to Seal World
Going inside the Seal World soon...
The seals are looking at the curious visitors
What was that in their mind? The seal has rescued them in a shipwreck?
When will I grow up that tall?
Vincent and Enoch Koo. Both of them are same age. In fact, Vincent is just 1 day older than his little buddy.
A precious family photo - taken by Enoch's daddy.
Outside the sea-world. This aquaria is one of the best in the world. All of the species appeared in the movie "Finding Nemo" can be seen here.
Meet the Lucky Dolphin outside the aquaria. Sorry, forgot what its name...
24-December-2005 (Album 5)
It's Christmas eve. We just want to see what's going on in the park. As usual, the decoration in the OP has never disappointed me, especially in the festive season. There was this big Christmas tree, Santa Clause, snow flake (fake), snow house (real), ice-skating stage performance in the park.....good enough for the family with members age from 3 to 80.
Just when we entered the park, there was this huge and tall Christmas tree welcoming every visitors.
This Santa was very friendly and cheerful. It would be nicer if he could have given little something to the kids so that they know what Santa is supposed to be...hehe..
William was taking his turn to play with the toy
Feels like having a white Christmas in OP. The snow is real one...
Vincent and the elf. Ever seen it before?
It's good to see, not for touch. Especially must keep away from the reach of children.
"Can I play 1 more time?" said Vincent. Seeing his sunny happy face, I find it hard to say "no" to him lo...
Again...seeing their happy faces, I would queue in the line again and again.
This little seal-rider, he displayed the typical angelic-devil characteristics in front of everyone's eye. No eye see lah, better dig a hole and hide...
3-October-2005 (Album 4)
KS's mom came to visit us on last Oct. So, naturally, we took her to OP again. Co-incidentally, the park was decorated for Holloween Day.
Grandma and Vincent.
Me and the kids.
Taking the buffet lunch at Bayview Restaurant. The view is great, but the foods were sucks...
William wanted to mimic his brother, but in his own way. KS was standing by his side, all ready to catch him in case he fell down.
The are 2 panda bears in OP. The female is named Jia-Jian. The male is called Ann-Ann. Emm..I think this is Jia-Jia.
26-Jun-2005 (Album 3)
We have 2 free tickets given by Vincent's teacher. The expired date is 30-Jun. Thus, though the weather was not so good, we went OP anyway. I took my mom and the kids, CP took his son, Enoch. There we go...
Vincent & Enoch was trying to climb up the seal. Of course, their mom stopped them.
Grandma and the boys
See the's pretty scary. Just like the scene in the catastrophic movie "The Day After Tomorrow".
This 2 mighty power raincoat kids, maybe they are the rescuer for the world the day after tomorrow?
Meet the most famous in the park, Whisker.
CP and Enoch...they are regular visitor to the park too
My mom is a good caregiver, a good cook too. I felt so relief when she was staying with me.
29-Jan-2005 (Album 2)
Was it the day before Chinese New Year, or was it after? I can't remember anymore. But I remember the strong Chinese New Year mood there.

Chinese New Year window display.
And it's clear the year was the year of Rooster, not Panda...
Whisker is always been my favourite in the park.
This is a talking-tree. It has captured the attention of Vincent and many other small kids.
One of the lucky animal in OP.
Suprisingly, Vincent played it like he is a well trained drummer.
Visit the lost world.
Baby William was not afraid of the animal that is smaller than him.
This one looks very real. It can move its wings and roar...
I like the visual effect of this photo.
The close encounter between the babies...
Nice pose in the egg.
Finally, William have seen enough dino and all he wanted was to get out from the jungle asap.
The butterfly farm, one of the best I've seen.
Although Whisker looks lovely, Vincent was anxious, William was scared.
Luckily we took the stroller with us...parents are adviced to take stroller to the park when taking the very small kid along.
30-October-2004 (Album 1)
I would say Holloween is the biggest event in OP. The management will put a lot of effort to decorate the park, especially the haunted houses and the freaking Holloween creatures. Also, the park will extend its closing time until midnight. At night time, there would be many visitors put on the Holloween costume and walk around the park. Trust won't even know if he/she did really bumped into the real ghosts or mosters. I think for Vincent and William, all of them are ghosts or mosters anyway.
Vincent has captured the attention of everybody with this Peter Pan look. Some visitors think he was the appointed kid's star by OP, and wanted to take photo with him.
Peter Pan, his mommy and little brother.
Some said William looks like KS. I think so too.
And some said Vincent looks like me...
I'm sure we will go to OP again and again. It's such a nice place for the adults and children.