Star Wars Expo
When I conducted a house-keeping on the photo albums lately, I notice I had neglected this one somehow. It was taken 6 months ago. Funny, I think we all look a bit younger in the photos. Boy, we are growing old that fast huh?
Since I have nothing special to post these days, I decided to take a little effort to upload the photos and published it. Also, as a remembrance of our 'younger face' ...

Plaza Hollywood is one of the most visited shopping mall to us. It's quite near to our house. Anyway, the most important thing is we can enjoy free parking very easily. For example, lady driver who wore skirt that day can entitle 3 hours free parking, easy, right? So, we just love this plaza for its generosity.

That day, we happened to bump into the Star War Expo. The boys were so fascinated about the Jedi's Sword. Even though we got to donate 20 bucks in order to touch it and take some photos with the models, we didn't complain. The mall has been generous to us all this time, and we don't mind to return its generosity too.

Actually, we can get the pretty good effect with the background image too, just that without the cool models and their sword and gun.

When I read the chart, I have some re-collection of who-is-who. After some time, I know I will forget them. 6 months had passed since then, and it proofs how right I am.
I'm not a die hard fan of Star Wars, but its visual effects and the imagination of the galaxy beyond never cease to amaze me.
Nah, I think you still look young now, so don't worry, it's just your eyes making fun of you. :)
Thanks my friend, for your kind words.
Hey, MY..u don't look "lou" wokey? U still look great. And the bad guy - the only one I know- is called Darth Vader, whom I think is eventually the father of Luke Skywalker, also I'm not sure lah...haha. Take care now.
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