Wise Kids Playroom
I believe it was a hard time all over the country in the years of 70s. My dad was the only bread winner, I think what he earned was barely enough to feed the family of 6. I don't remember my parents have ever bought us any toys. In fact, I don't remember if there was any place selling toys in the small town we were living at that time.
When we grew a bit older, we made simple toys by ourself. Like we picked up a stick, tied up some rubber bans, loaded it with small stones, and that's we called a gun with the bullets. We were contented with our creative toys. Never complain about anything at all. And we grew up all right instead. For this generation, they are so lucky. They don't have to make toys by themselves anymore. Sigh, should I call this 'lucky' ?
HK is a shopping paradise which also means that this place is full of materialistic invitation. Everywhere we go, we are eye-bombarded with thousands of different products that we would like it so much and find it so difficult to decide which one to buy. It's hard for adults to resist the temptation of keep on buying, don't mention the youngster or small kids. Thus, we got to be very thoughtful in teaching the kids strategic buying. We really don't want them to grow up to become a shopping maniac. But in view of the society they are brought up in, we keep our fingers cross.

Anyway, it's always a pleasure to visit toy shops. Their products are indeed fascinating. Lately, we find out the toys sold in Wise Kids Playrooms are the best amongst all.

While the boys were busy playing and running here and there, KS and I were busy strolling around the shops to see the cute toys and X'mas decoration. The shop consists of 2 stories. This Christmas tree was placed right in the main entrance of the ground floor.
Basically, the ground floor is like a souvenir shop. I really respect the designers who work out those beautiful products.
There are many giant soft toys, were put around the ground floor area. This one, its size is definitely bigger than me.
Some animal toys are sold in pair, like mother-zebra & baby-zebra, mother-giraffe & baby giraffe, mother-elephant & baby-elephant....how cute.
Just when we saw this, William and I start this dialogue, again. It's happened for N times already, just the objects are different some of the time.
William : Look, mommy, look...so many dinosaurs over there...
Mommy : Yes, right, I can see it...
William : I want this one and that one, mommy.
Mommy : But we have many dinosaurs at home already. Big and small, remember?
William : But I don't have that long neck one wo...
Mommy : Yes, we do, remember?
William : But it isn't as long as this one wo...
Mommy : Aaaaa...but this one very expensive wo, you know?
William : Huh? How much?
Mommy : This one cost HKD200 lo. I don't have that much money to buy it. Why don't you just play it here for a while?
William : NoooOO...sobsob...(As usual, he made a fuss about it. As usual, mommy ignored him)
Knowing his fuss would come into vain, he grabbed 2 of the dinosaurs and made them fight for a while.
Pity him, I said why don't we took their pictures home so that he can see it later on? But he ran away already. Sigh, here are the long-neck dinosaurs he was bugging for. I kept them for his future viewing anyway.
The greeting cards sold here are very cute. Surpisingly, they are cheaper than Hallmark cards.
Hello, handsome, nice to see you again. (I'm a bit taller than this one, YES)
And this Christmas tree was placed right in the main entrance of the 1st floor.
The 1st floor displays toy-set which has a theme, equipped with many sophisticated spare parts along. For example, FARM (with all sorts of domestic animals + stuffs that can be seen in a farm). Even the adult will find it fascinating.
AIRPORT CONTROL TOWER : Vincent's favorite...
The way he manipulated this plane - open the door to let the passengers boarded and be seated, held it in his hands pretending flying, and the way he looked at it and admired it....Instantly, I know he loves this more than any other toys that he met and possess. We really have that urge to buy it for him, as his coming birthday's present. Luckily, it has run out of stock that time. Take note, KS think it costs more than HKD500, just the plane alone. But the quality is no doubt super-de-duper, worth it?
This one, the most expensive amongst the all, cost HKD2499. WOW....Is this price reasonable?
Personally, I think every piece of the Playmobil's toy-set is marvelous. They are not something we can see elsewhere. In fact, they look like a piece of arts rather than toys to me. Considering the intensive artistic and engineering efforts in designing it, maybe it's not fair to comment its price is unreasonably high?
LEGO's corner. It's certainly less attractive than the Playmobil's.

After taking our Christmas dinner at the arcade, the boys wanted to go to Wise Kids Playroom again. Can't blame them. It's indeed a very interesting place to go. At the end, we have to drag them out of the store, before the storekeeper asked us to.