Right Proctection ?
It was a fine evening until this unpleasant incident happened...

Life is a cup to be filled not drained...
This seems to have inspired many people, from all walks of life, to make their own 10-year recapitulation. It's indeed very interesting to get to know what other people have done or achieved in the past 10 years time. So, I want to write my own recapitulation too. It's no big deal actually, I just blog it for fun.
Oct, 1996
1997-mid 1999
Mid 1999
* After registered for about 4 years, KS and I finally held a traditional wedding ceremony in Malaysia.
* Soon after that, I was pregnant. Before my belly was getting real big and unfit for travelling, we went to Norway for a vacation. The heavy workload and the pregnancy had made this year a very stressful year to me.
* After being unemployed for 8 months, finally I got a job offer in another company. We went to Bangkok for a short vacation before starting work.
* This time, I work in the different field, same industry. I sort of have to start things all over again. Anyway, the new job had given me the time-flexibility that I needed most to take care of my baby son.
* Same year, we bought our 1st home in HK. It is a small apartment but our home sweet home until today.
* At the beginning of the year, a mysterious disease, SARS, swept HK fast and fierce. As it was a contagiuos disease, we tend to avoid unnecessary outing. And when we had to, we wore face mask.
* Same like 911 incident, KS's company was doing real bad that they were forced to take 2 months no-paid leave. The worries of getting retrench was once again haunted us.
* While KS was idle, we went to Australia Gold Coast for a holiday. Under the tense and fear atmosphere, I was pregnant again and given birth the 2nd son same year at Decemeber. People described them as SARS Babies.
* At last, we were granted PR and can stay as long as we want.
* Life was getting very busy ever since the arrival of the 2nd baby to the family. In fact, I didn't quite remember how I spent those years besides working hard and wishing William would be growing up faster.
* At some point at the time, I did think of leaving HK and go back to Malaysia. I was naively hoping to off load the heavy responsibilities on my shoulder to my parents.
* Before the year of 2005 ended, I flied to Shanghai-SuZhou alone, for a short vacation and visited an old friend there. In summary, nothing bad happenned in that period of time. And I started to cherish the importance of world peace.
2006-till now
The Scenery Viewing Platform provide a closer look at the famous Tsing Ma Bridge.