Some were teaching their dogs to swim...Thought dogs are natural swimmer? Well, now I know they aren't.
We have our purposes too, you'll see...
Basically, we just walk along this sea shore, see what we can find and play with over there...

This time, they were very happy to find a "giant stick" there. I have no idea where this log came from. Anyway, who cares?

It took both of them to lift it up...

and carry it around...

If we didn't stop them, they planned to throw their 'giant stick' into the sea. Luckily, there isn't any police around.

The good thing about this place is, it serves a playground not just to the kids, but to us as well. For example, we can flipped the rocks around, and there are lots of sea creatures down there to see.

We like to catch baby crabs and put them into a transparent container for fun. Yes, we are truly a monster.

While I was busy digging on the sand, KS called me to show his discovery under the rock. Boy, at first glance, this thing really look like an
African penis.

KS said its length is twice the size we saw here when he just found it. Yucks, such an
eerie ugly thing. We throw it back to the water after a while, didn't even bother to put it in our container. Think at the positive side, being ugly can be a blessing in disguise, isn't it?

I was busy digging on the sand to look for clams. Just push the sand away, and we can find many big and small clams there. Once start to dig, it's become addicted to want to dig more, hoping to get a bigger clam each time.
When my mom was here last time, she like to dig for the clams too. When we heard a woman said those clams are safe to eat, we brought them home to try. My mom used it to make soup with ginger and tomatoes. The first time, only my mom and I drank it, for the fear of getting food poisoning. The second time, KS took some too, then we also let the boys to take a very portion. We all are safe. Anyway, I am worried about its heavy metal content. So we never eat it anymore since my mom had gone.

Many shell creatures stick themselves on the rocks. Some had become fossils, I wonder if they had stuck too long there until they couldn't move back to the sea?

William is more brave now to touch and remove small animals compared to last time.

He removed the 'snail' from the rock and showed it to me.

Due to raining season, the water level is higher. In normal days, we can walk to the rocks there. Some people like to pick clams and oysters around that area.

He was showing off one of his captive to me.

Feels that he is a big boy now.

Last time, when I squat down like this, I'm not the
shortest, but not anymore lo.

It's very hot to expose ourselves under the hot sun. So, we left the place an hour later.

Before we left, I asked them to set free our captive. Although they would love to take them home, they let them go after I repeat the same old story : those baby crabs must be very scared if they can't go home to see their daddy and mommy. I
guess this can be one of the biggest night mare for every kids.
Oh yes, those flowers are blossom all along the sea shore.

He likes to study the road map to see where we are and where we are about to go. But I'm not not good in reading intricate map, so I can't couch him well enough in it. I will leave this to his daddy then.