HK Disneyland (before the opening)
After leaving the airport, we detoured to the nearby Disneyland. The public was allowed to visit the main entrance as the construction works there has been completed. Its grand opening was scheduled on 12-Sep-2005, a month later. Everyone was talking about Disneyland in this period of time. In fact, it has created such a heat wave in the HK community. The shops, the restaurants, the public transportation, the travel agencies, the press... they all stand by and ready. It's going to be a historical day for HK.

Waiting for the train to approach the Sunny Bay Station.
The boys couldn't wait any longer to get on board soon when the train arrived.
The train is very Disneyland feel...with famous cartoon characters fixed adjacent to every section of the cushion seat. Ask William, he can name 90% of the Disney's cartoon characters there.
Bronze statue of Mickey Mouse. Emm...must be very expensive. I hope it won't be vandalized.
The journey to Disneyland... We pass by the ocean & the hills, I feel like heading to a fantasy world.
The interior design of the train is very pleasant and comfortable.
The train was not crowded because the time was still early. We are early birds at weekdays and weekends. Thanks to the boys.
Reached the Disneyland Resort Station. The mickey mouse shape windows are very cute...
This MTR station is very resort feel. Above the stairs is Disneyland compound.
The guide of the park is very friendly and helpful. He offered to take photos for us.
I don't really like the design of this entrance gate. Personally, I think it looks "low-tou".
William was amazed of the things he was seeing...
A giant fountain at the square there. It isn't colorful (dark bronwn), so I think it might look weird to very young toddlers. William didn't want to walk near to the fountain at all.
The Mickey Mouse is floating by the jet of water. Emm...wonder how it is like when a sudden power disruption occur?
This is one of the famous landmark in Disneyland, the train station.
It's hard to convince the boys the park hasn't been really openned yet. Luckily the guide, who is more authoritative than us, stood there and said "NO" to them.
All William want is me...I'm his world.
Again, a nice and friendly guide came over and offered his help to take a photo.
The ticketing counter
The more I see this gate, the more I feel it "low-tou"...
"I want mommy" This is what William likes to say. Yes, mommy want you too.
William (1 year 8 months old).