Friday, January 11, 2008

45 minutes

This 45 minutes is the travelling time from my house to my company, by bus.
I have been taking this same bus 5 days a week, for 6 years. It can be converted into some interesting figures like, I have been travelling this same bus for 3168 times in this 6 years time; or I have spent at least 2376 hours in this bus; or I have paid HKD17424 for its bus fare.
Taking a public bus and driving a private car to work is totally a different experience. The biggest difference is of course the passenger can sleep in the bus, but the driver can't.
Most of the time, I choose to shut down myself from the outside world by plugging my ears with headphone, let only the music come in. When I don't, there are actually quite some stuffs I see and hear in the bus on every working day.
I sort of get acquaintance with some interesting passengers who take the bus for the same purpose like me. For example, there is this old mother and her mentally retarded daughter who behave like a 7-year-old aggressive kid though she is actually 40 something. Also, there is this young lady who put on her headphone and sing aloud like she is in a karaoke room. Also, there is this humble fat man who normally can't find a right place to sit in, but stand patiently the whole journey. Also, there is this pale, sad looking woman I see for many years, from flat tummy to bulging tummy, disappear forever one day. Also, there is this man I hate at 1st sight for no reason, that I will not sit next to him no matter what.
Yes, 6 years is really long enough for me to see the changes of many little things even though I don't look for it deliberately.
For instance, I notice a particular tree in a particular place when all of its branches are full with and without leaves every year this time, when the season change. Also, I finally get to know why a place was covered so long for one day. I even notice the changes of the flower pots owned by a 2nd floor old-apartment when the bus get so close to it at a turn.
When I look out the window, sometimes I see the scene that moves my heart so much. Like a crying toddler chasing after her angry mom at the zebra crossing; like a young loving dad carry a new born baby in crummy way; like an old couple holding hands together while crossing a street slowly; like a man squat there to feed his dog; like a pretty-sexy girl walking down the street...
This bus is also the place for me to read some books and all sort of fly-sheets; check my bank statement; listen to my iPod; close my eyes and cry; do some thinking; chat with friends occasionally; and of course, sleep.

Although the bus takes many detours instead of taking me straight home, it's not too bad to sit 45 minutes motionless in a bus. As long as the passengers who sit around me is not talking out loud and long, or he/she smells stinky, this 45 minutes is a pleasant private moment for myself. After all, the subtle feelings when I discover how little things change and grow as time pass is pretty amazing.
My friend, you got to stick that long in the same bus, same route to understand how I feel (eye-winking).


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